Presidents of Students’ Unions in Hungary had gone to Marosvásárhely to urge the solution of the occurred situation at MOGYE in Transylvania

According to the National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK), the occured situation at Medical and Pharmaceutical University of Marosvásárhely is unsustainable, therefore HÖOK urges the Hungarian representatives in Transylvania to promote the cooperation.

In the last 8 years the aim was at three Transylvanian universities to set up separate Hungarian faculties. This was originally ratified in the romanian Education law in 2011. Hungarian students in Transylvania had not get closer to the autonomous Hungarian education, but even bit by bit lost their rights. Besides, ARACIS (the Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education in Romania)  wants to decrease the number of acceptable students with ⅓.

In Marosvásárhely, more than 100 student leader lifted the transparents with “Free native-language education at MOGYE!” title, to emphasise the seriousness of the problem, and to let draw attention that the long-lasting procedure has to come an end.

The solution with a consensus is not only the point of interest of students who spend their uni-years in uncertainty, but of the university, Romania and Hungary as well. It is important for Hungarian students in Transylvania to feel themselves as part of a unity, a community, therefore the solution of the problem is (quite) urgent. HÖOK emphatically requests the institutes involved in this problem and the representative-groups to do everything for students and end this situation that lasts for already 8 years.

This commotion happened on general assembly of HÖOK in Autumn, which was held in Transylvania for the first time. The host of the event was the Országos Magyar Diákszövetség which is the Translyvanian honorary member of HÖOK. Tamás Töhötöm Kaizinger (programm leader of Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network) i. a. took the floor about this year’s ameliorations. Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich (minister of state for Hungarian Diplomatic Academy and Stipendium Hungaricum Program) greeted the general assembly and emphasised the importance of cooperation between scholarship and mentoring network.